Hà Quang An

Tiến sĩ Quản trị kinh doanh

KD - Khoa Kinh doanh quốc tế - Marketing

Chức vụ: Giám đốc Chương trình

Email: anhq@ueh.edu.vn


  • International Management
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Digital Marketing
  • Technology Management


Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học


Công trình khoa học đã công bố

  • 2023, How Do You Wish to Appear? An Empirical Study of Factors Affect Intention to Purchase Face-Swap Apps Under Social Comparison Perspective, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
  • 2023, To switch or not to switch? Investigating users' switching behaviours of fitness wearable devices, International Journal of Mobile Communications
  • 2022, The Influences of Virtual Reality Shopping Characteristics on Consumers’ Impulse Buying Behavior, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
  • 2022, The Impacts of Social Sustainability Practices on Supply Chain Performance: Mediating Role of Supply Chain Integration, Journal of Distribution Science
  • 2022, The links between supply chain risk management practices, supply chain integration and supply chain performance in Southern Vietnam: A moderation effect of supply chain social sustainability, COGENT BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT
  • 2022, What facilitate people to do charity? The impact of brand anthropomorphism, brand familiarity and brand trust on charity support intention, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
  • 2021, An Empirical Investigation of Users’ Continuance Intention to Use Cloud Storage Service for Organizational Use, International Journal of Business Information Systems
  • 2021, The Effect of Trust Seals, Information Disclosure, and Gender on Customers’ Trust and Willingness to Disclose Personal Information on Small B2C E-Commerce Website, ICEBE 2020: Proceedings of the First International Conference of Economics, Business & Entrepreneurship, ICEBE 2020, 1st October 2020, Tangerang, Indonesia
  • 2021, Các vấn đề chuyển đổi số ngành dịch vụ tại Việt Nam: Thực trạng và các đề xuất chiến lược, Book Series "KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM TRÊN CON ĐƯỜNG CHUYỂN ĐỔI SỐ
  • 2021, Continuance Use of Enterprise Social Network Sites as Knowledge Sharing Platform: Perspectives of Tasks-Technology Fit and Expectation Disconfirmation Theory, International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), Vol. 12, No. 4, 2021
  • 2021, Effects of negative reviews and managerial responses on consumer attitude and subsequent purchase behavior: An experimental design Authors Long Hoang Le, Quang-An Ha, Computers in Human Behavior
  • 2021, An experimental study of consumers’ impulse buying behaviour in augmented reality mobile shopping apps, Behaviour & Information Technology
  • 2021, Investigating Female Costumer’s Impulse Buying in Facebook B2C Social Commerce: An Experimental Study, Contemporary Management Research
  • 2021, The impacts of shared understanding and shared knowledge quality on emerging technology startup team’s performance, Knowledge Management Research & Practice
  • 2020, Chuyển đổi số của các doanh nghiệp ở Việt Nam: Thực trạng và giải pháp, Quá trình chuyển đổi số của nền kinh tế Việt Nam – công nghệ, thị trường và chính sách
  • 2020, Exploring the Privacy concerns in using Intelligent Virtual Assistants under perspectives of Information sensitivity and Anthropomorphism, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
  • 2020, Effects Of Mobile Augmented Reality Apps On Impulse Buying Behavior: An Investigation In The Tourism Field, Heliyon
  • 2020, The impacts of Environmental Beliefs and Social Capital on Intention to Sign Environmental E-petition on Social Networks Sites, 51st Annual Conference of the Decision Science Institue
  • 2019, The continuance use of social network sites for political participation: Evidence from Arab countries., Journal of Global Information Technology Management,
  • 2019, Factors Affecting Continuance to Share Location on Social Networking Sites: The influence of privacy concern, trust, benefit and the Moderating Role of Positive Feedback and Perceived Promotion Innovativeness. , Contemporary Management Research
  • 2019, Understanding users' willingness to put their personal information on the personal cloud-based storage applications: An empirical study, Computers in Human Behavior
  • 2017, Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Mobile Applications Project Development. , International Journal of Mobile Communications,
  • 2017, The lead-lag relationship between spot and futures markets in the energy sector. , International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy.
  • 2017, The impact of Argument Quality and Source Credibility on the Decision to Participate in Online Petition on Social media: The Moderator effect of Discrete Emotions, 48th Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Annual Conference 2017
  • 2016, The impacts of Service Quality on Continuance Intention to use Video Surveillance-as-a-Service, 47th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings
  • 2016, Strategy to Promote Location Sharing on Social network under the Perspectives of Cultures,

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